How in bulk disable “Protect from accidental deletion” in AD

sample, how to untick/disable attiribute “Protect from accidental deletion” in bulk/batch for whole OU

It can be useful to be able to move, delete ADobjects using powershell, ADManager

$searchb02 = "OU=Disabled Users,DC=itforce,DC=local"
Get-ADObject -Filter * -SearchBase $searchb02 |ForEach-Object -Process {Set-ADObject -ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion $false -Identity $_}
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How to report in Active Directory all protected users

If you use ManageEngine ADmanager Plus then some your manual operations or automations can fail due to the “Protect from accidental deletion”. In this case it’s very useful to determine who has already this attribute enabled:

Get-ADuser -Filter * -Properties * | select-object name, samaccountname,enabled, ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion | export-csv -path c:\temp\protection-status.csv -NoTypeInformation

if you need to disable this attribute pls visit my other post

 … Read the rest

How to configure safe vpn for free and easy

Coronavirus forced many people, companies to move to teleworking. The banks and large corporations surely have enough budget to buy enterprise vpn boxes and solutions. My post is only for small companies which need free/cheap solution to access own small office infrastructure during coronavirus pandemia from home, remote offices and at the same time to avoid directly openning RDP access from the internet (which is not safe at all even with DUO 2fa and so on)

It’s assumed that the small company has at least

  1. router which can port forward (even tplink and dlink can do it;  if you have
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How to check that ntp server is configured properly for all esxi

#To get time and ntp info for  all esxi :

Get-VMHost | Sort Name | Select Name,  @{N="NTPServer";E={$_ |Get-VMHostNtpServer}},   Timezone,  @{N="CurrentTime";E={(Get-View $_.ExtensionData.ConfigManager.DateTimeSystem) | Foreach {$_.QueryDateTime().ToLocalTime()}}},  @{N="ServiceRunning";E={(Get-VmHostService -VMHost $_ |Where-Object {$_.key-eq "ntpd"}).Running}} ` | Format-Table -AutoSize


Get-VMHost | Get-VMHostService | Where-Object {$_.key -eq "ntpd"} | select vmhost, label, Key, Policy, Running, Required |format-table -autosize

# Remove wrong NTP Server and Add correct NTP server

Get-VMHost | Remove-VMHostNtpServer -NtpServer Confirm:$false
Get-VMHost | Add-VMHostNtpServer -NtpServer

# Start NTP Service and set to Automatic

Get-VMHost | Get-VMHostService | Where-Object {$_.key -eq "ntpd" } | Start-VMHostService
Get-VMHost | Get-VMHostService | Where-Object {$_.key 
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How to get detailed info for all esxi into csv or Excel file

The advantage of below powerCLI is that oneliner shows as well SerialNumber (for example Dell/HP tags – very useful to find your esxi server in Datacenter physically )

Get-VMHost |Select-Object Name,NetworkInfo,Manufacturer,Model,ProcessorType, ConnectionState, PowerState, NumCpu, MemoryTotalGB, Version, Build, MaxEVCMode, @{N="SerialNumber";E={(Get-VMHostHardware -vmhost $_).SerialNumber}} | Export-Csv -notypeinformation -Path c:\temp\all-vmhosts.csv 

or more detailed report:

.'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\Infrastructure\PowerCLI\Scripts\Initialize-PowerCLIEnvironment.ps1'
connect-viserver vcsa.itforce.local

function Get-VMHostWSManInstance {
        param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$TRUE,HelpMessage="VMHosts to probe")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$TRUE,HelpMessage="Class Name")]
        $omcBase = ""
        $dmtfBase = ""
        $vmwareBase = ""
        if ($ignoreCertFailures) {
                $option = New-WSManSessionOption -SkipCACheck -SkipCNCheck -SkipRevocationCheck
        } else {
                $option = New-WSManSessionOption
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How to get detailed info about all VMs

Get-VMHost | Get-VM | Select-Object  Name, PowerState, NumCpu, MemoryMB, VMhost, @{N="Datastore";E={Get-Datastore -vm $_}}, UsedSpaceGB, ProvisionedSpaceGB, @{Name='ToolsVersion';Expression={$_.Guest.ToolsVersion}}, @{Name=’VMHostVersion’;Expression={$_.VMHost.Version}},Version, @{N="IP Address";E={@($_.guest.IPAddress[0])}}  |  Export-Csv -notypeinformation -path c:\temp\vms.csv

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How to get CDP information for all esxi network adapters

It could be very handy to know to what switch, what switch port your esxi network adapters are connected.

There is no standard method in PowerCLI with name “Get-VMHostNetworkAdapterCDP”.
To make it available you need in Powershell ISE
import all powerCLI modules and press enter
or use below script (replace vcsa by your own server fqdn):


.'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\Infrastructure\PowerCLI\Scripts\Initialize-PowerCLIEnvironment.ps1'

connect-viserver vcsa.itforce.local
function Get-VMHostNetworkAdapterCDP { <# .SYNOPSIS Function to retrieve the Network Adapter CDP info of a vSphere host. .DESCRIPTION Function to retrieve the Network Adapter CDP info of a vSphere host. .PARAMETER VMHost A vSphere ESXi Host object .INPUTS
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How to import powerCLI modules into standard Powershell ISE

Sometimes it’s useful to have opportunity to run and debug powerCLI scripts/functions from standard Powershell ISE

  1. install on AdminPC powerCLI
  2. open Powershell ISE
  3. copy and paste into command line below:
    Import-Module VMware.DeployAutomation
    Import-Module VMware.ImageBuilder
    Import-Module VMware.VimAutomation.Cis.Core
    Import-Module VMware.VimAutomation.Common
    Import-Module VMware.VimAutomation.Core
    Import-Module VMware.VimAutomation.HA
    Import-Module VMware.VimAutomation.License
    Import-Module VMware.VimAutomation.Sdk
    Import-Module VMware.VimAutomation.Storage
    Import-Module VMware.VimAutomation.vds

if you need to have powerCLI modules in Powershell ISE always, then create under your user account powershell profile:

    1. new-item -path $profile -itemtype file -force
    2. powershell_ise $profile
    3. and add into your profile above commands, or just one line
      .’C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\Infrastructure\PowerCLI\Scripts\Initialize-PowerCLIEnvironment.ps1′
    4. save your powershell profile.
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How to know what VMs have snapshot.

If you use Veeam Backup and Replication or Veritas Netbackup non-authorized snapshot can prevent backup/replica tasks (long term snapshots as backups is one of the most common mistakes, as cause of poor performance and as Vmware datastore low free space reason and so on ). So it’s important to know quickly what VMs have snapshot and delete/merge them.

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
get-vm | get-snapshot | fl Description, Created, VM

if you want to delete/merge existing snapshots for all VMs:

Get-VM | Get-Snapshot | Remove-Snapshot -confirm:$false
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