Monthly Archives: December 2016

My top of sysadmin tools

  1. free Putty
  2. free Winscp
  3. Webresearch (personal knowledge base)
  4. Microsoft DaRT from MDOP, former ERD disk (very easy to add to WDS, or replacing boot.wim on USB with Win7 or win8) For repair, locksmith to reset built-in administrators password, to backup files from not booting disk and so on. To prevent non-authorized access by ordinary users during booting, place pxelinux with password before WDS network bootloader.
  5. Acronis tools (usually on USB, or as WDS image) mainly for cloning, partitioning, backups
  6. Hiren tools (mhdd, victoria, memtest to diag freshly purchased HDDs, RAM)
  7. Separate tiny Memtest (i prefer as a pxelinux option in
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